The Phrase that Stops you from Doing

Are you aware of the impact that your words can have on your life? Not only the things that we say to others aloud, but the internal thoughts that we tell ourselves too. Perhaps we don’t quite realise the power of words over our own mood, and also our lives. One of the phrases that is perhaps the most frequently used, and arguably the most detrimental, is the words “I will try.” Consider these two phrases. “I will try to have my work completed by Friday.” “I will have my work completed by Friday.” The only difference is the word “I will try.” And yet, it gives the phrase such different meaning. It is providing yourself with the permission to not succeed, like a safety net. It shows that you do not feel that you are really capable or confident in completing the task. You are setting yourself up for failure, before you have even really begun. On the other hand, saying “I will,” suggests that failure is not even a potential option. We are afraid to use it, because implying that we will succeed holds us fully accountable for our actions, in the chance that we do not manage to succeed. The words “I will try” will cloud our intentions. Thinking “I will,” will make the completion of the task much easier, create a positive mood, and move yourself to a position of being able to succeed. Believe that you are truly capable. It you really desire to do something, to complete something. The thought of trying should not even cross your mind. Just do it. Get it done. You will achieve it, if you truly believe that you can, persist and put all of your effort in, nothing is unachievable. We can understand the influence of our words, by looking deeper at a term known as NLP. NLP stands for Neuro-linguistic programming. It is the programming of the language functions in our mind. Most of us have a disconnect with our unconscious mind. We can think about the goal setter being our conscious mind, and our unconscious mind as the goal getter. Our unconciousness mind is not seeking to ruin our goals, but quite opposingly, seeks to help us achieve the things which we desire. However, if we continue to create a disconnect between or conscious and unconscious mind, not understanding how to communicate our desires, we cannot expect the outcome that we want. Our subconscious and conscious mind differ significantly. The more persistent voice within our head is our conscious mind, we are more aware of it. It affects 5% of our ability to process Contrastingly, the subconscious mind influences 95%. The subconscious mind has more wisdom and is usually right, although our conscious mind speaks louder. The subconscious mind’s wisdom come from its ability to reflect on lesson learnt from experiences in the past and to see in all directions. It can help us to optimise our here and now decisions. However, if negative words and thoughts are repeated in our conscious mind, such as phrases including the word ‘try,’ this will affect the power of the subconscious mind as it begins to accept these thoughts as real and true. If negative phrases can have such an impact over our mind and actions, think of the value and benefit that repeated positive words and phrases can have on our actions.
There are ways to help yourself to have a more positive mindset. Consider the words you say and think. Capture them, before they come out of your mouth. Perhaps you are not even aware of how much you use this phrase. Maybe you do not realise the power these words have over your actions. Be aware of when, and consider why, you are using the phrase “I will try.” Focus on using more action statements. “I will” and “I can” and “I am going to,” are just a few examples. Replace your words with the statement “I will.” This will help set your intention, helping to connect the conscious and subconscious mind. Put your words into the here and know, helping you to achieve the things which you desire.

“Do, or Do Not. There is no try” – Yoda from Star Wars

Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt out of place, as if you do not belong? You fear the people around you will one day turn around and discover that you’re a fraud. You feel that you don’t deserve to be recognised for any achievements. You are not alone in this feeling. It’s called imposter syndrome. Research has shown that up to 70% of people have experienced this feeling at some point in their lives. People with this syndrome believe that they have gotten places and succeeded through pure luck, and not due to their ability or any talents. It’s common for humans to experience feelings of doubt at times. However, when one cannot celebrate their own promotion without feeling a sense of dread that some one will ‘discover’ that they aren’t capable of fulfilling this new role, it could be something more than just doubt.
Some people might cope with this feeling by altering their goals in life and losing their ambition and passion. They discredit themselves, and by doing this, limit their potential. Others may cope by overworking, or working even harder, if they feel thy need to better themselves. You may notice some of these qualities, if you feel you are experiencing imposter syndrome.

  • Feeling Inadequate
  • Doubting your self
  • Being a perfectionist
  • Fearing the judgement of others
  • Feeling guilt
  • Fearing discovery or success – as it may be followed with a sense of dread
  • Not acknowledging your success, or downplaying your successes. So why does our brain think this way? Our brain finds it difficult to focus on the good things, because good things don’t do us any harm. Our brain takes on the job of protecting us and searching for potential threats. In the sense of imposter syndrome, the brain focuses on the threat that we might be considered by others as a ‘fake.’ Your brain will search for evidence to support this fear and dismiss the positive, but by doing this, it only feeds the syndrome. Any moment where you received feedback on something, you made a mistake, or you feel you just ‘got lucky’ in your achievements, can be stored in your memory, subconsciously causing you to feel like a fraud in any of your future successes. However, it has been proven that you can overcome imposter syndrome with a few different strategies. Firstly, don’t be afraid to talk to someone about how you are feeling. You may fear this because you are worried that your feelings are silly or perhaps that your fears might be confirmed. However, you will realise that you are not alone. At some point in their lives, many have experienced the same feeling. You can learn from others and receive some clarity and relief. Collect evidence. Make it a goal to focus on the positive rather than the negative experience. Compliments from your boss, and other successes. Use this to combat in times of doubt.

It's Time to be a Kid Again!

In this day and age, it’s easy to become burdened by the busyness of life. We feel that we have to be more responsible and serious to do well in life, as we must think about the more serious things – a job, bills, and other’s perceptions of our life. We feel that becoming an adult, means embracing society’s mentality of “growing up.” Somewhere along our journey from our childhood years, to the years that deemed us as an adult, we lose some traits to conform to this mentality. These are traits that could be very valuable as an adult. We think that children need to learn from us, and our experiences, failing to realise how much we can learn from them. Their childlike nature is one of these things. As a child, all that seems to matter is having fun and enjoying life. There is no worry about to future, but only living in, and enjoying the present. Then our environment begins to alter, we go through experiences which begin to alter our perception and those childlike traits begin to drop away. Start considering your mentality. There are ways that you can embed these childlike traits back into your life and learn to love and enjoy your life like a child does.

  1. Think about the way you used to get excited for Christmas. Even a birthday. Kids get excited over the simplest things; they are truly content with the little things. As adults, we begin to lose this joy and excitement, and struggle to fully immerse ourselves in the joy of the precious moments in life. So, get excited over the little things, over everything! Recognise that you can be fully content and happy with the things you are surrounded by, whether that be as simple as wearing a new dress to work or eating your favourite food for lunch.
  2. Ever asked a child what they want to be when they’re older? They might reply with an astronaut, a firefighter, or maybe even a fairy godmother. Their responses are often unpredictable, and they like to dream big! But they are passionate, and they have full belief in their ability to achieve that goal. As an adult, we find it difficult to hold on to that belief. Factors around us cause self-doubt to arise, and we often settle for a goal that isn’t really what we want or desire. It is time to hold on to a childlike imagination, and to dream big. Chase the dram that you know will make you truly happy with a true belief in your ability to reach that goal.
  3. Be curious! On average, children ask 300 question per day. For adults, it’s less than 120. Children have a sense of curiosity that seems to never be able to be quenched. They always desire to find out more about the world that they live in, to expand their scope and build their intelligence. They are not afraid to have a go at something, even if it leads to failure. They learn from it, and they try again. So why do we stop this curiosity as adults? We can never know too much, and there is always new, beneficial things to learn. Don’t be comfortable and satisfied with the knowledge you have now. Get out there and expand your own scope.
  4. When children love, they love without conditions and they’re not afraid to tell you. No matter your mistakes and decisions that you have made in the past, their love does not waver, and they do not hold it against you. Experiences of life can impact our ability to be soft, we become harder and fear giving and expressing our love towards others. Learn to love those important people to you, like a child would. Allow yourself to be soft again.
  5. Kids always seem to be laughing and smiling, even when it’s something so simple like going to he shops. Children laugh 300 times a day – we are lucky if we laugh 50 times as adults. Laughter releases a range of hormones in the body that switch off the stress hormones as such. They can make a game and something fun out when they have things as simple as a trolley and a plastic bag. They see jokes that adults barely flash a smile at, as the funniest things invented by all mankind. Smile and laugh more. They help us feel happy and start to give us a positive perspective on our lives. We feel that we as adults, we need to be perceived as responsible and serious. But we don’t need to just live our life, why not enjoy it too?

Step out of the adult mindset and embrace those childlike traits that made you enjoy life so much as a kid. It’s time to enjoy life and be a kid again.

Bruce Lipton - How to Reprogram the Patterns in Your Mind

I had the pleasure of meeting Bruce Lipton back in 2005 where he was a guest speaker for the day. If you get the chance to attend one of his presentations I would recommend it. He has such insight and is so passionate.
In this video he talks about energy psychology and how the subconscious is responsible running underlying programs in our life. To identify and resolve these programs he mentions BodyTalk is one of the few therapies available that can resolve these programs.

Excessive Histamine

Could your headaches and migraines be associated to the foods that you are eating? Do you experience a runny or itchy nose after eating certain foods? Perhaps your cheeks flush red after you drink alcohol. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you may have an intolerance to histamine

Histamine is a chemical within the body that is responsible for many major functions including, the process of communicating messages to the brain, assisting the digestion process through the release of stomach acids, and assists immune response after am injury or allergic reaction occurs. When levels of histamine within the body are excessively high, these functions can be implicated.

The Role of Diet:
Levels of Histamine could be high due to the enzyme (DAO) responsible for breaking down this chemical, being prevented by excessive amounts of histamine-rich foods. If the body is unable to break down histamine from foods consumed, it can enter the bloodstream, causing an immune response. 

Below, there is a list of some high and low histamine foods: 

Some High-Histamine Foods:

  • Fermented dairy products, such as cheese, yoghurt, sour cream.

  • Sauerkraut

  • Pickles

  • Kombucha

  • Tomatoes

  • Eggplant

  • Vinegar

  • Fermented or cured meats – sausages, salami

  • Spinach

  • Wine, beer, champagne, and other alcoholic drinks

  • Chocolate

  • Avocados

Some Histamine Lowering Foods:

  • Apples

  • Almonds

  • Kale

  • Broccoli

  • Beans

  • Ginger

  • Peas

  • Zucchini

  • Carrots

  • Cauliflower

  • Brussels Sprouts

  • Coconut

  • Chai

  • Blueberries

  • Quinoa

Some symptoms that may suggest an intolerance to histamine are:

  • Headaches/migraines  

  • Sinus and nasal congestion

  • Fatigue

  • Hives

  • Nausea/vomiting

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

  • Digestive issues

  • Dizziness

  • Unexplained bloating

Some ways in which you can treat a histamine intolerance include, a change in diet to foods that are low in histamine, 7-8 hours of sleep a night, daily exercise, and relaxation techniques, including breathing exercises and meditation. These strategies will all assist in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

References and Further Reading:

Improving Your Immune System to Reduce Allergic Reactions

Obviously, if someone is experiencing a severe allergic reaction that is life threatening, call 000 as quickly as possible.

People can experience an allergic reaction when their immune system responds to something in the environment, usually a foreign body that can’t be absorbed or processed by the individual. How people react and the specific source of their allergies, is a highly individualised event that varies from person to person.

Sharing the same genetic code, as for example siblings do, is no guarantee that one or both will suffer from the same allergic reaction.

Some of the most common allergens are found in

·         Medication

·         Food

·         Insect bites

·         Mould spores

·         Dust mites

·         Pollen

Reactions to allergies vary depending on the degree of sensitivity of the person. Whilst some allergic reactions are mild and barely noticeable, others are seriously life threatening.

We are hearing more frequently about children being allergic to packaged foods. Peanut butter, for example, a seemingly innocent sandwich spread, is now widely recognised as a risk factor and is banned from lunchboxes across Australia schools as a potential hazard.

For someone who experiences a severe reaction to a common item such as peanut butter, it can be necessary to carry an EpiPen at all times, just in case the airways close over due to unforeseen contact. Without the life-saving EpiPen there is a real risk of not being able to breathe.

Some of the more general signs of allergic reactions are:

·         Asthma

·         Swelling

·         Rashes

·         Itching

·         Runny nose

·         Sneezing

Obviously, the easiest way to avoid an allergic reaction is to stay away from the allergen. This, however, is not always possible because they often remain largely invisible until it’s too late after the reaction has started. The spores of pollen and mildew are microscopic in size, so they are not easy to detect with the naked eye. Someone with specific allergies, however, will quickly pick up their presence, with little time to be ready.

A simple way to improve the immune system is to eat a wide variety of whole foods as a regular part of your diet. Real food and plenty of it helps the body to digest a maximum amount of nutrients, which in turn protect us from disease and inflammation. Our gut microbiome is designed to work with us to utilise our waste products as we extract the goodness from our food.

Another simple strategy we can use is to ensure that the body is well hydrated. When we drink plenty of water, toxins and allergens get flushed from our cells. The body needs water to be able to keep all the fluids circulating, including the lymphatic system which acts to dispose of dead cells, antibodies and toxins.

BodyTalk has an effective treatment with the Body Chemistry technique. By energetically aligning the reactive substance with the body, it’s possible to rebalance the activity of the immune system to reduce the reaction. By relaxing the inflammatory responses, the body remains calm and able to function at its optimal peak.

A number of other techniques in the BodyTalk system can be useful to improve your immune system so it can reduce the potential reaction to foods, etc. and these rely on the individual priorities for the person seeking relief.

Talk to us today to see how we can help your immune system.


Relieve Pain by Using These Non-Invasive Techniques

You might be surprised to hear that pain has a purpose, beyond making us feel terrible. It draws attention to inflammation and injury by demanding focus to the area that needs support. Without treatment, pain can linger for days, weeks, and sometimes even months. Pain interferes greatly with your quality of life and hinders your performance in almost everything.

 Therefore, it is extremely important that you try to find relief from pain as quickly as you can. We advise you not to let pain overstay its welcome. Try to nip it in the bud quickly.

We are lucky to live in an age where there are countless methods to get relief from pain. We would recommend you consider treatment options that are simple and naturally effective. Anyone who is familiar with BodyTalk will know to Tap Out Your Cortices. This simple technique can bring instant relief when we hurt ourselves, by calming the mind and reducing the reactivity quickly.

BodyTalk Practitioners are experts in using a number of non-invasive techniques to make sure that their clients get relief from severe pain as soon as possible. If you are someone who doubts the effectiveness of using non-invasive techniques to relieve pain, we can reassure you that once you experience your own BodyTalk treatment, you will realise how genuinely helpful and supportive these sessions are.

No one wants to go through a painful and costly invasive procedure or take pills regularly to relieve pain.

Here are a few non-invasive techniques that are worth looking into to get relief from severe pain.

Hot and Cold Packs

This tried and tested method works like a charm. You can buy a cold and hot pack to relieve pain from certain parts of your body like knees, shoulders, lower back, neck, and various other parts.

Alternatively, you can also request your BodyTalk Practitioner to “Tap out your Reciprocals”.

Gentle Movement

Gentle movements, breath control, and breathing exercises are heavily prevalent in techniques used by moderate practices like tai chi and yoga. You can strengthen your muscles, build stronger bones and relieve pain by correctly following gentle movement routines on a regular basis.

Mind-body Techniques

Mind and body techniques combine breathing exercises with mindfulness and meditation. When we are in a state of stress, we start to shallow-breathe. Using mindfulness can help to restore the balance by training the mind to pay attention. Combined with regular meditation, these techniques can address pain through awareness and relaxation.


If you are experiencing severe pain, opting for a massage from a qualified therapist may give you some relief.

Physical and occupational therapy

Some physical therapists can guide you through a series of exercises in order to improve your mobility and strength.  Additionally, a qualified therapist will ensure that your pain doesn’t aggravate.


Pain is one of the biggest reasons for reducing your body’s mobility. It can limit your movements significantly. The body needs regular movement to stay flexible and strong.

Performing light aerobic activities is a great non-invasive technique to relieve pain.

Going for a regular walk has many benefits for physical, mental and emotional health.

Energy Medicine: BodyTalk

BodyTalk is a gentle energy medicine that is good for releasing any stuck energy.

Chronic pain can take hold and be locked into the body. Allergies can plague people through the Spring weather. Kids can suffer unnecessarily with learning difficulties.

All of these can be addressed with BodyTalk.


Alkaline foods: increasing longevity and eliminating illness

A free information session about the benefits of eating alkaline foods. From improving longevity to eliminating illness. The session covers:

  1. What is Immunity and how does it function in a healthy body.

  2. Benefits to boosting your Immune System.

  3. Identify and Discuss food sensitivity and immune cellular protection.

  4. Identify and discuss Allergy V Food Sensitivity.

  5. Hypersensitive and Hyposensitive immune system. What is it and the outlining conditions associated with each immune system.

  6. Alkaline V Acidic Foods.

  7. 80/20 Rule of thumb. Discussion of a balanced food plan.

  8. Alkalizing Supplements.

Tea and snacks provided after the session.

11 December 7pm

Free event - seats are limited, bookings essential.  Book Here


As the Jacaranda's Fall

As the Jacarandas fall it is an indication that we are heading towards the end of the year and exam time.

The final school term of the year is upon us and pressure has started to mount on our children to complete the year on a high.

At any age children are now prone to stress and anxiety. It is important to look out for the signs that your child is under stress.  Children become more irritable and irrational as they start to reach exam week and when assignments and exams are due at the same time.  Each child reacts differently to pressure and stress.

This year my son, has started Year 7, first year of high school and at a new school.  It is a lot to learn, new school, different friends and different procedures. He starts the term with all eagerness but he likes to be on top of his assignments and exams. 

My son and I do not like change and it has taken us time to adjust to a new routine.  The problem arises when we get to the second last week of term (assessment week) which is called melt down week.  This week is when most of the exams and assignments are due. If I suggest any ideas or change to the routine, I can sense his frustration and non-acceptance.  He gets quite upset at you and you must make sure you provide a calm and to the point idea while communicating with him.  Also as a parent I need to make sure that I am not getting upset and that I listen to his points of view.  Every school day, my husband and I ask him how his day was and what was a highlight of the day and then ask what homework is due and if he needs any help. Communication is the key and works two ways.
Debbie Scarlett

Melissa’s Thoughts

I think back to when I was at school and I don’t remember myself or those around me having meltdowns as much as I see and hear from parents and their children today.  There seems to be more pressure on students throughout the year and the exam period becomes the icing on the cake.  The feedback I receive from parents that bring their children to me for BodyTalk is that they are calmer and they are not reactive – at least for a few months until everything builds up again.

One of the most effective techniques of BodyTalk is called Cortices technique which is designed to improve and balance the communication between the two halves of the brain.  (It’s like hitting the reset button on your brain’s computer).  This will improve the efficiency of the brain - thereby improving overall health.  Specific immediate effects include improvements in thinking ability, memory, concentration, stress reduction, feelings of wellbeing, and general physiological functioning of the body.

This technique takes only a couple of minutes to do and my suggestion is to do it before your children go to school and again when they come home.  I have some students that have got to the point where they know they feel better after the technique so they tell me that they do it themselves at school when they are stressed!

A quick technique to help your kids

1.     Placing one hand on your child’s head at the base of the skull where it meets the neck.  (Keep fingers and thumb together during this technique to avoid missing any areas of the brain.)  While holding that position lightly tap the head, then the sternum (or mid-back if preferable), alternating for two full breath cycles. Focus on connecting all points of the right hemisphere of the brain to the left hemisphere, and high-lighting circulation and communication between them.

2.     Now move your hand up onto the head to the position just above the one you just used.  (You are going to systematically cover the whole head, one hand-width at a time.)  In the new position, tap out the head and then the sternum, alternating for two full breaths.

3.     This main objective is to make sure that the entire brain is covered.  The hand positions may overlap to ensure that no areas are left untouched.  Maintain deep (but not forced) breathing throughout this entire procedure.This procedure is repeated until you have covered the whole midline of the head from the base of the skull to just above the eyebrows.  This could mean three hand widths for a large hand to cover a small head or five hand-widths for a small hand to cover a larger head. 

4.     Now cover the sides of the head to balance the temporal lobes.  Preferable, have your child cover both sides of his or her head with their own hands. Or you can cover both sides of their head with your hands.  Now tap out head and sternum while the person takes two full breaths.  (If you are doing it the second way, let go with one of your hands to tap the head and sternum [or back].)