Improving Your Immune System to Reduce Allergic Reactions

Obviously, if someone is experiencing a severe allergic reaction that is life threatening, call 000 as quickly as possible.

People can experience an allergic reaction when their immune system responds to something in the environment, usually a foreign body that can’t be absorbed or processed by the individual. How people react and the specific source of their allergies, is a highly individualised event that varies from person to person.

Sharing the same genetic code, as for example siblings do, is no guarantee that one or both will suffer from the same allergic reaction.

Some of the most common allergens are found in

·         Medication

·         Food

·         Insect bites

·         Mould spores

·         Dust mites

·         Pollen

Reactions to allergies vary depending on the degree of sensitivity of the person. Whilst some allergic reactions are mild and barely noticeable, others are seriously life threatening.

We are hearing more frequently about children being allergic to packaged foods. Peanut butter, for example, a seemingly innocent sandwich spread, is now widely recognised as a risk factor and is banned from lunchboxes across Australia schools as a potential hazard.

For someone who experiences a severe reaction to a common item such as peanut butter, it can be necessary to carry an EpiPen at all times, just in case the airways close over due to unforeseen contact. Without the life-saving EpiPen there is a real risk of not being able to breathe.

Some of the more general signs of allergic reactions are:

·         Asthma

·         Swelling

·         Rashes

·         Itching

·         Runny nose

·         Sneezing

Obviously, the easiest way to avoid an allergic reaction is to stay away from the allergen. This, however, is not always possible because they often remain largely invisible until it’s too late after the reaction has started. The spores of pollen and mildew are microscopic in size, so they are not easy to detect with the naked eye. Someone with specific allergies, however, will quickly pick up their presence, with little time to be ready.

A simple way to improve the immune system is to eat a wide variety of whole foods as a regular part of your diet. Real food and plenty of it helps the body to digest a maximum amount of nutrients, which in turn protect us from disease and inflammation. Our gut microbiome is designed to work with us to utilise our waste products as we extract the goodness from our food.

Another simple strategy we can use is to ensure that the body is well hydrated. When we drink plenty of water, toxins and allergens get flushed from our cells. The body needs water to be able to keep all the fluids circulating, including the lymphatic system which acts to dispose of dead cells, antibodies and toxins.

BodyTalk has an effective treatment with the Body Chemistry technique. By energetically aligning the reactive substance with the body, it’s possible to rebalance the activity of the immune system to reduce the reaction. By relaxing the inflammatory responses, the body remains calm and able to function at its optimal peak.

A number of other techniques in the BodyTalk system can be useful to improve your immune system so it can reduce the potential reaction to foods, etc. and these rely on the individual priorities for the person seeking relief.

Talk to us today to see how we can help your immune system.